View PDF of P.E. Standards
Physical Education Standards
Standards in Adventist Education
Standards, what learners should know (content) and be able to do (skills), serve as the framework for curriculum development. Standards in NAD Seventh-day Adventist schools reflect the Adventist worldview across the K-12 curricula as well as the integration of national and provincial/state standards. The Adventist worldview accepts the Bible as the standard by which everything else is measured. Four key concepts emerge from a biblical worldview that can be used as a lens for curriculum development, as well as informing the essential questions and big ideas of any content area: Creation (What is God’s intention?), Fall (How has God’s purpose been distorted?), Redemption (How does God help us to respond?), and Re-creation (How can we be restored in the image of God?).
The Core of Adventist Education Curriculum
Physical Education Domains
Standards Coding
The standards have been coded so that educators can easily refer to them in their curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. The coding system that precedes each standard begins with the content area abbreviation in letters; all are identified with PE-Physical Education (PE.K.MS.1). The second part of the code refers to the grade level (PE.K.MS.1). The third part of the code refers to the particular physical education domain (PE.K.MS.1), with MS standing for Motor Skills. The fourth part of the code refers to a particular skill within the physical education domain (PE.K.MS.1). The coding system that follows each standard is the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education that aligns with the NAD standard. Where no code exists, there is no corresponding national standard. Words which are italicized within the standard document are defined in the glossary located on the NAD website. Embedded in the electronic version is a feature which allows for the definition to appear when hovering over the italicized word.
Essential Question: Why did God create our bodies for movement?
Big Idea: Movement contributes to healthy physical development, in keeping with God’s original plan for our lives.
Performance Application [ PDF ]
Essential Question: How can we give God honor through our application of the principles of movement and performance?
Big Idea: We honor God by developing our physical talents and skills through individual and group performance activities.
Essential Question: Why is it important to achieve and maintain a healthy level of physical fitness?
Big Idea: Physical fitness enhances our social, emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being, and prepares us for service to others.
Responsible Behavior [ PDF ]
Essential Question: Why should we show kindness and respect to each other during physical activity?
Big Idea: We show respect for ourselves and others because we recognize that we are God’s creation.
Essential Question: Why is it important to value physical activity in our lives?
Big Idea: We value physical activity because God’s ideal for quality living includes a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Education Standards Folder [ PDF ]
View a single PDF file of all elementary physical education standards.
The following resources were referenced in developing Physical Education Standards for Seventh-day Adventist Schools: a sampling of state standards, the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education created by SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Education) America, the NAD Curriculum Guide & Resource Manuals for Physical Education Grades K-12, and The Core of Adventist Education Curriculum.
Development Committee Members
Carol Campbell - North American Division Director of Elementary Education
Amy Clark - Ewing Adventist Junior Academy, Bonnerdale, Arkansas
Randy Gilliam - Vice President for Education Southwestern Union
Jerry Groeneweg - Adventist Christian School, Greeley, Colorado
Paula Robin McNair - Dupont Park Adventist School, Washington D.C.
Patti Revolinski - North Pacific Union Director of Elementary Education
Judy Sloan - Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, Tennessee